Panelists Archive


Name Genre Year Details*sort descending
Lisa Dent Visual Arts 2011 associate curator of contemporary art, Columbus Museum of Art
Columbus, OH
Ann Hamilton Visual Arts 1998 artist
Columbus, OH
Kim Euell Theatre 2013 Playwright and Dramaturg
Coralville, IA
James Newton Music 2006 composer, flutist
Covina, CA
Annea Lockwood Music 2007 composer
Crompond, NY
Katherine Owens Theatre 2010 artistic director, Undermain Theater
Dallas, TX
Deidre Sklar Dance 2004 performance theorist, professor, dance, Texas Woman’s University
Denton, TX
Kent Thompson Theatre 2005 artistic director, Denver Center Theatre Co.
Denver, CO
Cleo Parker Robinson Dance 1997 choreographer and executive artistic director, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Company
Denver, CO
Gilbert Vicario Visual Arts 2015 senior curator, Des Moines Art Center
Des Moines, IA
Thomas DeFrantz Dance 2012 Writer, director, professor, researcher, Duke University
Durham, NC
Sally Sommer Dance 1998 writer and professor, Duke University
Durham, NC
Liz Engelman Theatre 2011 dramaturg, director, Tofte Lake Center, Alumnae Relations, Hedgebrook
Ely, MN and Freeland, WA
Ursula Oppens Music 2000 pianist, professor, Northwestern University
Evanston, IL, and New York
Lucy R. Lippard Visual Arts 2003 artist, professor, writer
Galisteo, NM
Ann Lauterbach Visual Arts 2009 poet and critic; co-chair, writing, Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, Bard College; visiting core critic, Yale School of Art
Germantown, NY
Kyle Gann Music 2005 composer, critic, Village Voice, professor, Bard College
Germantown, NY
Kimerer LaMothe Dance 2014 dancer, philosopher, and scholar of religion
Hebron, NY
Nicole Mitchell Music 2023 composer/improvisor, Herb Alpert Award Artist
Henderson, NC